
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Prayer for protection and deliverance for my daughter.

  • Prayer for my friend who has stage 4 ovariole cancer. She starts chemo the 21st of June.

  • Please pray for my mom, Elena, she has been coughing the last 7 days, throwing up. They tested her for COVID, praise God came back negative! However, this morning she is coughing up blood. Please pray for wisdom for nurses and doctors at her nursing facility.

  • Please pray for my mom, Sira. She is struggling with the side effects of a bad concussion. She has been unable to work due to the severe headaches and memory issues. This has caused her financial hardship as well.

  • Please continue to pray for my son and his wife. They are wrestling with marital problems.  Pray God’s wisdom for them.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Romania, Chris and Faith Anderson who sent the following updates and requests:

    • Well the last two days of the cafe were extremely busy. Too bad it couldn’t be like that everyday. We had a great turn out for the kids day celebration, and stayed full pretty much from 10am till we closed at 8pm. Even a few teens from our youth group came out to support our day. Most of the kids did not know we were closing that location for good, but our teens knew and so they came to get their last favorite meal one last time. We ended up not doing the birthday party, so we closed on the 2nd. This week we will work on getting everything out, the owner already has people coming to look at it. It is bittersweet really. Our emotions are sort of all over the place, but at the same time Chris is so worn out, and needs rest, plus able to focus on our teams coming without worrying about the cafe at the same time. Thank you to all who have prayed faithfully these three years for the cafe and who have supported us in this and encouraged us along the way. We know God has a timing for everything. And we are excited to see what He has for us next. 

    • Much prayer for our team that will be arriving June 24th. Camp starts June 26-30. We have much planning to do still and preparation for this, while at the same time our normal things going on. We are behind in school so trying to get school done before the team arrives. The camp is full for boys, but we still have space for ten more girls. Please pray that God would send those girls so we could have a full camp. We pray for the hearts of the kids before they arrive, and for the hearts of the parents to allow their kids to come. Pray for our team that they would be flexible and have servant hearts, for many of them this is new to them. Pray for us as is our first English camp hosting and leading. We don’t feel very equipped but we have learned and seen God do that very thing, so just trusting Him for His plan and for HIs glory. 
