
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for my neighbors Berenice and Dan as her father went to be with the Lord this past week. She was very close to her dad John. Thank you and God bless.

  • Please pray for my surgery tomorrow to go well. Thank you very much.

  • Asking for prayer for a buddy of mine who is working through an addiction and made a slip up around new years. He is dealing with a lot of guilt and shame. Pray that God uses this to show him how much he is loved. 

  • Pray for peace in Jerusalem.

  • Please pray for Ron, he has stage 4 cancer and is currently in the hospital. Please pray for peace and comfort for his family as well. Ron is a believer.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Tepic, Mexico, Saul and Angelica Alvarez who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Pray for Daniel and Gabriela. She wants to attend church more often this year with her husband.

    • Pray for Alejandro's mom.

    • Pray for Miriam and her kids.

    • Pray for Amparo and her grand kids.

    • Pray for Irma. She has some health issues.

    • Pray for Pedro. He attends church with us and wants to go the USA to work. He is getting all the papers together to get his working visa.
