
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for my nephew who has cancer. He is a believer.

  • Pray for my friend who has throat cancer. Pray for his salvation also.

  • My wife fell and broke her hip plus other physical issues; a sweet Christian mate, she is very depressed and wants to give up. Please please pray for God’s hand of grace and encouragement plus wisdom for me to bless and comfort her.

  • Please pray for a couple in need of help moving in to their new rental in Texas. They are moving next week and have the move out covered but need some help with the move in.  Pray for people to come alongside and help with the physical move in part.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Germany, Clark and Ann Peddicord who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Thank you for your prayers for our long-term lease negotiations with the German church renting the former kindergarten on the “Haus Nazareth”. (It’s one of the 3 churches associated with Haus Nazareth.) We were able to agree together with them on a 30-year lease that will, I believe, meet their need for stability and financial planning and, at the same time, build in some protection against the unknown future direction of inflation, etc. for the Haus. Please pray that we’ll get the final documents signed before Ann and I fly to the U.S. in November.
    • Speaking of that trip: Please pray that our U.S. trip will be guided and directed by the Lord. Most of all, we’re looking forward to seeing our friends in the Lord again and sharing - as the Apostle Paul put it - in our mutual “partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Philippians 1:5).

