
Daily Prayer Requests

  • We moved into a new home here and we would like prayer for it to be filled with the love of God. Pray that the things that took place in this house prior to us moving in be washed away by the Holy Spirit.  Pray for the peace and joy of Jesus to be the center of this house.  Pray that God would bless all of the people that have ever come through this house and that they would come to know Him.

  • Pray for healing of my neck and back if the Lord chooses to heal me. 

  • Pray for the salvation of my family; mom, dad, brother and sister in law.

  • Pray for the leaders of my husband’s Young Life Club.

  • Please pray for me and my cat. We are both really sick right now.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Slovenia, Ales and Whitney Lajar who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Starting 1st of October Aleš will start a part time work for Biblica - The International Bible Society (they are responsible for the NIV English translation), as he and a group of Slovenes will begin translating the Old Testament into a modern Slovene translation. It’s a HUGE undertaking, that will most likely last for three or more years, plus Aleš will also start learning Hebrew, as Biblica desires for the translation to be focusing on the original language. 

    • Apart from being hired by Biblica, Aleš is also starting another part time job with AcronX, to learn a new CRM (Customer relationship management) program, that is coming on the market, and has a real potential to grow. As he learns how to use the software, he will then sell it to companies, and also provide tech support for the software to new customers. Prayer will be really appreciated for both his new jobs as the workload for Aleš is increasing exponentially.

    • Our family has been hit with some severe Spiritual Warfare in these last couple of weeks, from things breaking, relationships imploding and exploding, nightmares, sicknesses, and so forth. Please pray for protection and wisdom in how to deal with different people and issues that arise, that seem to be fueled by enemies forces in the background. 

    • Also Whitney’s youngest sister (whose kids we have) has gone deep down the rabbit hole with drugs, and is again stirring trouble in the family. Please pray for her deliverance and clear boundary lines we have to draw with her in order to keep our sanity and protect their kids from her (sadly). 

    • Next Monday (26th of Sept.) we have our first monthly leadership planning meeting, where we are inviting two new members into our leadership circle. Please pray for unity, clarity, and wisdom in how to fully organize all of our ministries and develop our future leaders.
