
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Salvation for my husband Eric. May God soften his heart to Have a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. May he be delivered by any bitterness and darkness.

  • Please pray that my husband could do an excellent job on his project, that he could get it done quickly, and against spiritual attack for us both.

  • Please pray for my mom to go home to Jesus. They found cancer all throughout her body and is in very bad pain. She is 81 years old and has a lifelong relationship with Jesus. Thank you & God bless.

  • Please pray for my dad as well he will find out this morning and it’s going hit him hard. Also, he likes to pray but I am not sure he has given his life to Jesus. I will definitely have that conversation with him.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Canada, Marlon and Becca Brown who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Prayer for my (Becca’s) health:

      Tomorrow I finally have an appointment that we have been waiting on for a year to see this specialist for my internal bleeding and IBS. Prayer for wisdom and direction. Lately I have been doing pretty well with managing it, but this last week things have been physically a little tougher. Prayer that no matter what happens with my health I would depend on the Lord, and be with Him in my devotions, and that I would be anxious for anything, but to trust my God. 

    • Prayer for our eldest kids:

      Judah, Caleb, Eden and Aline, will be going to camp next week with another Calvary, pray for them. As pastors/missionary kids I don’t want to expect that will just want to follow God. Prayer that they would continue to develop their own relationships with Him, and that they would see how much He loves them each. With living in a dark city like Vancouver, they don’t have Christian friends, so we are excited for them to go away for a week with other believers. 

    • Thank you for covering us, as well as all the missionaries. Praying we keep our eyes on Jesus. 
