
Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my parents as it appears that they have the COVID. My dad got it first and still has it and my mom got it second and appears to most likely be in the clear already. Anyway, prayers for their speedy recovery would be much appreciated.

  • My friend is experiencing a terrible autoimmune reaction that has defied all medical interventions. He is using medications with adverse side effects without any relief. This is affecting his entire life and he acknowledges that only God can touch and heal him.  He also needs deeper healing from past hurts. Please pray for his salvation and healing for his physical, emotional, mental man.

  • Praise… Last weekend with family went well! Thank you for praying!

  • Please pray for my friend who is having surgery Thursday for a cyst on her spine.

  • Please pray for me to become a homeowner. Pray for me and a friend as we go to Baker City next weekend to take care of my sister who is disabled from a brain bleed in 2019.  Pray for peace and heart for mercy & caregiving.
