
Daily Prayer Request

  • Please pray for a man who is in the ICU because of a stroke. He underwent surgery yesterday (5/18) and is doing much better.

  • Please pray for a young man who is 17 and has been to Juvie 2 times in the last year. If he messes up again he will go to Juvie until he is 18. He lives with his aunt and uncle who are both Christians.  My friend talks to him about Jesus and things but it doesn't stick, almost like he doesn't care. Please pray for a change in this young man's heart and his salvation.

  • I broke my right leg and can’t drive. I have 3 young kids and a husband to care for and can’t get around very well. Please pray for the doctor to approve a kneeling wheel crutch. I almost fall when I use the crutches. And for my anxiety about being alone while everyone is gone during the day.

  • Please pray that my husband who knows Jesus, would show more interest in spiritual things and come to church with me.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Canada, Marlon and Becca Brown who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Becca- she has been feeling better, some of her recent treatments have helped. It's still not clear what the main cause or causes is, she has more tests coming up. Please continue to pray for healing and total restoration of her body. Pray that God would continue to show her His strength during her weakness. (2Cor.12:9)

    • House Church Plants- we are starting to meet and pray over new neighborhoods in our city and nearby cities. We are hoping to plant house churches in these neighborhoods. Pray for grace and open doors as we lay the foundations for these new churches.

    • Pastors In Training- pray for the pastors and elders I am working with and discipling to lead these new churches; Tyler, Jose, John, and Joseph. Pray that good would send us more men with pastoral callings!

    • Pray for J he is really struggling with his walk and battling depression. Pray for L, he is a young man that sometimes attends our church. He got into some legal trouble recently, and overall seems to be struggling with identity and his place in life. Pray that he would find that identity in Christ.
