
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a 15 year old young lady who took a really bad fall over the weekend and was hospitalized. She has suffered a concussion resulting in short term memory loss.  They are watching her oxygen levels and are working with her to make sure she is stable and able to sit up, eat on her own and walking on her own before they release her.  Pray for her parents to be strong through this whole ordeal.

  • I need prayer for my children to recover from illness. We have been battling one virus to the next and my four year old has pneumonia and three other children are miserable. Thank you.

  • Please pray that Gary would be a father to his biological son Caleb and provide all of his needs mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial in Texas!!!

  • Please pray for my great nephew John, he's having surgery on Monday to remove and replace an ear tube. They can't intubate him because of his narrow airway so they are going to try and use gas. Thank you.

  • Pray for my daughter. She is working to get her teaching degree and is struggling financially.  Pray for her to be humble and be disciplined.

  • Please pray Jacob & Tara O'Brien who are MAF missionaries and sent the following update and prayer requests:

    • We made it to Idaho! Our past few weeks has been full of making preparations to be away for a few months. The elections are over and the former president was inaugurated for his second term with relative peace! 

    • Our airplane that was being worked on in Uganda has returned after our friends there performed more than 600 hours of heavy maintenance. This was an incredible blessing to our team that was stretched very thin at the time.

    • Just before we left, we welcomed a new family to our team in Kinshasa! We are so thankful for the Lynch family who are a direct answer to our prayers for more laborers! It is such a joy to have them in the country learning the ropes!

    • While we are back in the US, we are looking forward to welcoming our baby boy in early March Lord willing. We will also be attending training with MAF and a host of other medical appointments. We look forward to seeing all of you soon!

    • Pray for our team while we are away.

    • Pray for the quick importation of our new airplane. 

    • Pray for continued safety in our operations.

    • Pray for the last few weeks of Tara's pregnancy and her delivery!

    • Pray that we would look to Jesus for strength in everything we do.
