40-Day Digital Detox

April 10 – May 19

Minimizing our use of digital devices, screens & tech for the purpose of:

Increasing our capacity to be heart, soul, mind, body complex beings designed for loving relationship with God and people.
• Making space to encounter God
• Taking intentional time to love our friends, family, & community
• Reforming our imaginations
• Decreasing distraction and anxiety

Pastors Rhett and Parker recently sat down to discuss the reasons and process, and you can watch those podcasts below.


Click here to view the handout.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  –Romans 12:2


1. Minimize consumption of movies, television, and video games.
2. Turn off all notifications on phone except calls/texts.
3. Remove all apps that are not for utility
    • Remove social media, games, streaming (and email if possible).
    • Utility apps: camera, weather, maps, flashlight, calculator, etc.
4. Set a "bed time" for your phone an hour before you sleep and put it in another room.
    • If possible, use an alarm clock that isn’t your phone.
5. Take an entire day each weekend to be completely phone/device-free as a family (Sabbath). 

• Before beginning, do a self-inventory. What does your phone/digital device use look like? (How long daily? Where is most of that time spent?)
• Do all necessary digital work from a computer during work hours.
• Stay off social media all together unless needed for work.
• Avoid binging content.
• Be selective & intentional about what you consume (things like a movie with family).

*All of this is optional and can be adapted for your personal commitment.

Start and end the day with a short prayer time/Scripture reading as first and last things to enter your mind.
• Find a daily time to be outside and breathe fresh air.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. –Philippians 4:8

Click here to view the handout.

QUESTIONS? CHALLENGES? email rhett@calvaryboise.com
Please also use this email to send us praise reports throughout the digital detox.
