
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please heal Mama’s whole body, help her eat and move better so she can not suffer with pain. Thank you for replacing her heart with a fully healthy one and for readying her to visit me again, for my birthday, while feeling much better. Please continue to heal her both physically and mentally/emotionally, giving her strength and energy. In Him, Amen.

  • Urgent-please please pray for my wife. She is very depressed and wants to give up. She was born with a major disability and recently suffered a broken hip-she can no longer put on shoes and some clothing and cannot bend to pick up anything dropped. We are long time believers and are seniors needing wisdom & God’s provision for where to live and be able to afford the next steps. Thank you prayer warriors!

  • We are moving back to Meridian and are asking for prayer for the sale of our current home. Pray for the way God is leading us and that we would find the right church home and church family. 

  • Please continue to pray for complete physical and emotional healing, and to meet the good and Godly husband God wants for me. Pray for the love, intimacy and connection God wants for me and freedom in these things - pray for an abundant flood of God's mercy, grace and redeeming love in these areas. Pray for great breakthrough and mountains moved in Jesus name.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests:


    • Pray for Suguna to be healed of leg pain.

    • Pray for Kamakshiamma to be healed of neck pain.

    • Pray for Darshan to be healed of his urinary problem.

    • Pray for God’s help and provision to Parvathy to purchase a land. Pray for her younger brother who had run away from home, to be reunited with his family.

    • Pray for Saroja to be healed of leg pain. Pray for her general health.
