
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for a very dear sweet young mom who is going through a lot of mental health issues. She suffers from PTSD along with physical health problems and just needs a lot of support through prayer.

  • Pray for an amazing 18 year old young lady who leaves to serve a mission in Chad mid May. She will potentially be gone for 1 year.  Pray that she adapts to the environment, the family she will be serving as a nanny, the language barriers and that her visa would come through quickly.  Pray for her family that she leaves behind to have peace in their hearts as she goes so willingly to serve the Lord.

  • Pray for God’s Hand in restructuring my family. Pray for peace and joy in all of our hearts.

  • Pray for 2 boys who live at the end of my block. They are 13 & 14 years old.  They seem to be neglected at times and could use prayer for adults to pour into them. My family and I have done as much as we are allowed because their parents are pretty resistant to help.  They are sweet boys and just need encouragement.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Slovenia, Ales and Whitney Lajar who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • One of our church family members who has been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder, among other psychological illnesses, is continuously creating problems in the body, as he is swinging between believing that God has healed him, therefore going on and off of his medication quite a few times in the last couple months. We ask for prayer against hyper charismatic influences that he's letting into his life, which usually leave major messes behind. Please also pray for our church leadership as we need to take some disciplinary actions, for both his safety and health, as well as protection for the rest of the body. This has all been incredibly problematic and overwhelming.

    • One of our members' daughter just died a few days ago, and Ales will most likely be performing her funeral next week. With a young church like ours, this will be his first funeral. (The majority of our believers are under 50 years of age.) The daughter who died wasn't a professing believer, so Aleš will appreciate a lot of prayer, as this will be a very challenging first funeral. It has been a week and a half of her laying in the hospital in a coma, hospital visits, non-stop phone calls, prayer meetings, and the pendulum swing of whether or not she will make it out alive. We are exhausted.

    • One of the marriages in our church family has taken a turn for the worse, and Aleš and Whitney were called on, in a time of domestic violence. We need wisdom from God, very clear boundary lines, and patience and grace to deal with all that these crazy battles entail. Please pray for the husband to seek and find counseling, as well as for God’s mercy and grace, to repent for any addictions flying under the radar, in the case that these would be the underlying issues that have come boiling to the top in the form of physical violence.

    • Two of the above-mentioned events, Ellel, and Preroška Šola graduation, will both happen over the next two weeks. Please pray for the teams of people serving before, during, and after these events, and that the events bring greater unity to believers in our country while simultaneously each accomplishing their own individual intents. 
