
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Antonio and Carmen Hernandez, our missionaries in Oaxaca, Mexico, ask that we pray for spiritual growth for the youth in their church.

  • COVID has hit the long-term care facility I work in and seems to be multiplying. Please pray for grace, bravery, love, and wisdom all things. We need guidance, and His hand on all involved. It is terrifying, but I know God knows and I am clinging to Him.

  • I am asking God for the safe delivery of our first baby girl this weekend or sooner. I’ve had 3 hospitalizations and other medical complications during this pregnancy. Now that she is full-term as we have prayed for all this time, we are ready and very anxious to meet her. Please God give us a smooth birth and let there be no other complications for my little daughter and me.

  • My baby’s father is refusing to sign the birth certificate for when baby is born. I need state assistance for the baby for things which I can’t afford alone. I can’t pay for a lawyer. Please pray that the Lord soften and changes his heart. And that he wouldn’t deny our son.

  • Please pray for Marlon and Becca Brown, our missionaries in Vancouver, Canada. Becca has been having some health issues and may need to have her gallbladder removed.
