
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My dear friend Amanda lost her brother to suicide/possible OD. She is out of state having to deal with autopsies and funeral prep and family drama and her family here wasn’t able to come with her. She will be out of town for another week. She is a sister in Christ and she needs love and support. Please pray for God’s hand and heart to be shown.

  • Pray that my grandfather would come to know Jesus as Lord.

  • Thank you for praying for my sister in law Rachel, we sense that God is working. Last night Myles and Rachel attended a parenting class because of the divorce. It was very sobering and eye opening to Rachel, she admitted and apologized for the way her actions have affected their kids Riley and Josh. Please continue to pray. She still wants a divorce and has a trip planned out of state next weekend with her boyfriend. Pray for Myles to continue to receive the wisdom and strength from the Lord needed each day to walk in the Spirit.

  • I would like prayers for my mom, she has rheumatoid arthritis and is almost immobile.

  • Please pray for Vanessa and her husband. He attempted suicide, and they have no financial security after their rent is paid. Please pray for healing, stability, and financial blessings.
