


  •  Greg went home to Jesus 14 months ago (on the 8th).  Please keep his wife Sandy and sons Jonathan, Joshua and Caleb in prayer.  Caleb is still at home with internal problems doctors haven’t been able to fix.  Sandy started a Monday night Bible study in their home. Pray that it blesses her and many others.


  • Please pray for me that I will have the strength and love and patience to continue to help Nicole. May Jesus work through me.


  • Carrie thanks us all each week for our prayers and asks that we “Please continue to pray for Rod and me to walk in the Spirit as we have been in a battle for a few weeks.”


  • Please pray for the lost to find Jesus!


  • Please pray against the demonic spirits of hopelessness and suicide that are sweeping our land. Pray that those who are struggling will find hope in Jesus.


  • Please pray for those devastated by the volcanoes in Hawaii and Guatemala.
