
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Michael Martin. He left Las Vegas airport with his plane and has been missing since January 2.  Thank you.

  • Pray for our nation’s leaders. Pray protection over President Trump and his family.  Pray for pastors and ministry leaders.  Pray for unity among believers.

  • Our 12 year old grandson, Cameron in Illinois, broke his arm wrestling in a tournament. Prayers for healing and that his arm would be healed completely.  Pray he is not discouraged.

  • I am praying for my sister Claire in California who probably lost her home in the fires. I have not heard from her in 20 years.  I remain hopeful to hear from her.  Nothing is impossible for our Lord!  I pray for Jesus to comfort her. Pray for her salvation and compassion.

  • Prayer for God's overwhelming peace and strength and protection as I go through this divorce. Lies about me to continue to be exposed, and for God to give me clear direction. Prayer that my husband would be willing to settle quickly and not have to go to trial. For my motives to be honorable and correct before God, and daily encouragement.

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • We had our Christmas party at both orphanage houses and it was wonderful!  The kids had so much fun and were thrilled with their gifts.  The workers continue to comment about how nice the gifts were and how much the children are enjoying them.  Praise the Lord for helping me find the perfect gifts for them. 

    • Another praise is that the Lord provided the funds for a new new sofa for the girls’ home and it arrived this week.   Cynthia assembled it for us and everyone loves it!  Their old sofa was smaller and despite the repeated repair attempts, it was completely broken and in bad shape.  I greatly appreciate all the hard work that went into the behind the scenes fund raising and all the donations. Attached is a picture of Cynthia and I with the new sofa. 

    • Another praise, the boxes I prepared for shipment when I was in Boise back in July are scheduled to arrive next week and I will be able to distribute the new scrubs to the orphanage workers.  They have been anxiously awaiting their arrival.  Please pray that they are blessed and that every time they wear them they are reminded of God’s goodness, provision and great love for them!  

    • Please pray that I will have wisdom in how best to help the children and continued favor with the workers and open hearts to hear the gospel and how much God loves them.

    • Please continue to pray for my upcoming cooking lesson with the orphanage worker, Cristina. Please pray for our time together and our conversation to be anointed by God and that she will be open to the gospel message.