
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my daughter and her boyfriend’s physical, mental and spiritual health. They are lost and hurting.  Pray that they find jobs they love and answers to stomach health problems.

  • Please pray for K’s kidneys to heal and for a strong Christian man to share her life.

  • Prayers for my husband’s colonoscopy.

  • Pray for my friend’s prostate problems.

  • Please pray for my mother. Pray for her eyesight, pray for her blood pressure, pray for her hearing.  Pray that all of her needs would be met and that she will live a long and happy life.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Prayer for provision/funding to drill 4 wells that have dried up. Two of these wells are in Thailapuram and 2 are in Varanasi.

    • Prayer for CBS (Christian Bible School), a program like our version of VBS, that will be taking place across India at each one of our church locations. Over 35,000 children will hear the gospel over the course of the week. Pray that the Lord touches the hearts of the children who do not know him yet!

    • Please pray that the Lord would provide the finances to purchase a vehicle requested by one of our pastors in Jharkhand. This vehicle will aid in taking care of 27 of our children who are infected with HIV. The current auto rickshaw being used is no longer able to support the number of children there. This vehicle will be used to get them to school and to drive to get ART (antiretroviral therapy) tablets.

    • Please continue praying for our pastors in northern India. The government in northern India is much more hostile towards Christians and evangelism. Please pray the Lord blesses the work being done there and protects our brothers and sisters who are taking the call to work in these northern states. 

    • Prayer for the people in the north that our pastors are trying to reach with the gospel. Anti-conversion laws make this effort very difficult. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of the locals in the northern states. 

    • Please pray for another location where we are opening a new After-School Outreach program. Pray that it would be a blessing to the local community and that it could be a tool to share the gospel with the 40-50 children that this new location will reach daily. Also, please pray for the ministry leaders of this outreach. This ministry happens five days a week from 6-8 p.m. So, please pray for strength and endurance to serve well.
