
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for God’s favor on me and my family and for strength and protection and wisdom as I travel to California next week to handle a very difficult estate family matter.

  • I am going through a very hard time right now in everywhere. Please pray for provision, grace and patience. Thank you.

  • UPDATE:Praising God for altering the blood clot in my son Keith's upper right arm.  The mass is still there but the clots now have formed passage holes like a donut hole for blood to pass.  The top rib and clavicle are tight and compressing the blood vessels so he'll stay on blood thinners through the end of June and then monitor. So grateful for all the prayer support!

  • Praises that my friend’s heart ablation surgery was a success! Since the surgery last week, she has not experienced any arrhythmia!! 

  • Please pray for my wife’s health. She has chronic pain in her back and neck and none of the therapy has helped.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Over the last several weeks, there has been violence in northern India. Specifically, the state of Manipur. While this is not a region we are in and does not affect us directly, it is something to be praying about as many Christian groups are affected.

    • A praise for this week is we got the funding needed to begin the electrical work on the Odisha property. Which is the first step in the land development process.

    • One of the boys in our Homes, Jonathan, has an infection that is causing great swelling in his face and hands. Please pray that the treatment will be effective and that he will return to normal health quickly. 

    • Pray for the Odisha project; for favor for the land development and favor with local government officials and community leaders as we enter this new location. 

    • Pray for our new ministry team that is starting up in the community of Kolkata.
