
Daily Prayer Requests


  • Pray for salvation for my family, pray they would soften their heart to the Lord.

  • Please pray for my mom, my dad, my brother and my sister-in-law.

  • Prayer for forgiveness in my heart to my work. They have hurt me twice and I recently realized I have been holding a grudge while I thought I had forgiven them.

  • Please pray for my daughter who is using drugs. She is involved with a guy who is very destructive and has mental health issues as well.  Please pray for their deliverance from their addictions.

  • Please pray for Al who was among the many laid off at Micron. He has several job interviews this week. Please pray he finds work soon. 

  • Please pray for a special needs adult with an infected sore near his eye. He keeps rubbing it and reinfecting it. He's done two rounds of antibiotics. Pray it divinely heals soon. Thank you. 

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Romania, Brian and Cynthia Fouts who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • We are starting the book of Isaiah for Sunday mornings praying for fruit as we work our way through the book

    • Praying for a ladies craft outreach in April to be fruitful.

    • Pray also for the men's monthly breakfast meeting to continue to bless and encourage the men.

    • Continued prayers for all of the families and friends that are dealing with serious health issues and the families impacted by it.

    • Cynthia's mom's treatment for arthritis seems to be going well. Praying for continued restoration of her movement.

    • Prayers for the summer conferences in July, all of the logistics and planning

    • Please continue to pray for Vasi’s dad as his cancer seems localized and the doctors think they do surgery and radiation to remove it. Prayer for comfort for the family and peace

    • Prayer as Dumi is looking to deliver food supplies to Turkey to help with relief.

    • Prayer for Brian’s uncle who suffered a heart attack and stroke but is home now and working on rehabilitation.

    • Prayer for the upcoming spring and summer conferences and outreaches that the Lord would provide as he guides these things. 