
Daily Prayer Requests


  • Please pray for a friend who lost her dad on Saturday. She flirts with Christianity but her belief is muddled with other faiths including Hinduism.  Pray for a revelation to her heart and mind. 

  • Pray for a friend going through a hard custody battle.  

  • Pray for a young woman who faces some very big decisions about her future. 

  • Please Pray GOD Blesses financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995.

  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Germany, Clark and Ann Peddicord who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Dear Pray-ers, Just a very quick and encouraging update on “S”, our Haus Nazareth alumnus whose wife and infant son were abducted by her family after he refused to allow them to dedicate the newborn baby in an non-Christian religious ceremony. He was able at last to meet with his wife on Monday (27. March) in the court building (after many months!) and talk with her personally. This was his update: The meeting (with his wife and son) was positive… “she told me she doesn’t want a divorce, she wants to come back. One of her brothers is now on her side. (She has 4 brothers.) I hope things will get better in future, please continue praying. I can see God is working!” Please keep praying for “S” and his wife - that God will show the next legal and practical steps to take and that God will “open a door” and that this little family will finally be reunited soon.

    • And an update on Ann: Ann is recovering from the UTI/blood-sepsis (infection) and is growing stronger every day. She exercises faithfully and we are back to walking a mile, but her energy-level can abruptly collapse. The doctor said that these incidents of sudden exhaustion will continue hitting her for about two months and that she shouldn’t feel guilty resting.

    • We would appreciate your continued prayers for healing and increased energy to do God’s work building the Transatlantic Relationship Bridge!The Gospel of John Personally, I (Clark) am at a decision cross-roads about the next step with my teaching on the Gospel of John. 3 Most of you probably know that I taught a college level course on John last year. A video series was made of the entire course and it is being used by interested groups and individuals. Now, there are requests to turn this teaching into a straight-forward audio podcast for people who want to learn when they do handwork or travel. There are several ways we could do this!

    • I would appreciate your prayers for clear understanding about how God wants me to move forward! Warmly, in the Master,
