
Daily Prayer Requests


  • Pray for my friend and her journey in getting into nursing school.

  • Pray for a friend’s healing after having to go to the ER last weekend because of Poison Ivy.

  • Pray for guidance/obedience for my future plans.

  • Please pray for my daughter. She is on a path that worries me! 

  • Please pray for all affected by the school shooting in Nashville. Pray especially for Pastor Scruggs whose 9-year old daughter was murdered. Ask for Jesus to provide comfort and strength as he ministers to his church and its school while grieving the loss of his only little girl.    
  • Please pray Jacob & Tara O'Brien who are MAF missionaries and sent the following update and prayer requests:

    • It has been a busy month traveling and visiting family and friends. Our furlough has been a wonderful opportunity to pause, reflect, and strategize as we look to our return to Congo. We are nearing our trip back in less than two weeks!
    • I was able to attend the Congolese Aviation Regulations course online! Thank you for your prayers!
    • We are currently in Chesapeake, Virginia to spend a few weeks with Tara's mom and brothers.
    • Another huge praise is the MAF Pilot Ryan Koher, who was imprisoned in Mozambique, has been let out on a provisional release! After nearly 5 months Ryan is now able to leave prison. He is still required to stay in the country and his case has not yet been dismissed. Please continue to pray to that end.
    • Pray for continued safety in our operations.
    • Pray for a safe and smooth trip back to Congo soon.
    • Pray that our last few days in the US would be a blessing to us and those we visit.
    • Pray that we would be an encouragement to the rest of our team in Kinshasa as we arrive back with fresh energy and perspective.
    • Pray that we would look to Jesus for strength in everything we do