
Daily Prayer Requests


  • Please pray for a man who has found out is heart is quite enlarged. He went in for back problems and this was a surprise. He is dealing with a lot of family stress.

  • Pray for me I'm feeling very overwhelmed with health, work, life and everything. Thankful God is in the midst of it all with me. Thank you for praying.

  • Please pray for Heather to get relief from her physical and emotional pain.

  • Praise !! Matt had a great camp last week, taking a friend this weekend to McCall, praying that they get along and have God’s love between them.

  • Please pray for my great niece, she is a sophomore and getting into partying and other activities. We were able to spend time together today, we saw Jesus Revolution and were able to talk about Jesus and loving God. Please pray for her to reach out to God and be saved. Please pray for her and her mom to be willing to be in fellowship. Thank you.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Praise! Thank you for praying for the funds to be raised for the land project in Odisha.  Praise the Lord, the funds have all come in as of last week! The Odisha Project will develop a new community hub with a church, home for children, and a safe space for outreach projects to take place. The goal of this new central location is to raise up local pastors, children, and believers who will continue to spread the love of Jesus and help the people of Odisha for many years to come. 

    • Prayer: We have had requests from stateside donors for prayer for physical needs as well as the same from members of our team in India.  God knows the details.

    • Pray for the team in India as they begin adding more children to our homes as space allows, that they will be directed to the ones God has already chosen to be under our care.

