
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Andreal. Praises that she is recovering more each day from having a stroke, but please pray that she recovers her sight fully so that she can get her drivers license again.  Asking for daily prayer for Andreal.  Thank you. 

  • I am an isolator with few friends or family. I am an alcoholic and very depressed on most days.  I am reaching out for prayer and support.  

  • Prayers for my son’s pre-trial on Dec 20. Prayers for his health.  He has been ill for the last 3 weeks and has congestive heart failure.  Pray for his lawyer and all the people supporting him.  Pray for a fair and just jury. 

  • Please pray for my dog Shiloh.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Germany, Clark and Ann Peddicord who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Thank you for your prayers as we begin to go through the standard medical checkups that we always face when we come back to the U.S.  We’re happy to report that - “so far, so good”. We would appreciate your prayers, though, for a “secondary cataract” operation that Ann needs to clear up some blurring in her vision. She is having the procedure on two days: December 21 and 28; (basically “bracketing” Christmas with medical procedures!)

    • As winter sets in throughout Europe, the terrible suffering continues in Ukraine. Some have come to believe that Putin has decided that, since his war against this independent nation is stalled, he can save himself and his regime by driving the civilian population of Ukraine into exile throughout Europe. That is why he is bombing every kind of civilian target and infrastructure he can reach. Please pray that God will frustrate his plans but use this terrible evil to bring many to turn to the Almighty and reconsider the claims of Jesus. 

    • We are facing significant financial challenges in the coming year as we seek to set up the two ends of a spiritual “Transatlantic Bridge” for future generations. Specifically, about 3/4 of the funding for the ministry apartment in Berlin still needs to come in. Please ask God to speak to folk to help meet these needs.

