
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for me to just be patient in life, to let worry and anxious feelings take a back seat and just let the Lord drive me in peace. 

  • Prayer for my mom and her health. Her eyesight, her memory and her financial health as well. 

  • Would appreciate prayers as I lost custody of my daughter several years back due to my alcohol addiction. I haven’t seen her in 5 years and have finally sought treatment and sober. My goal this year is to be able to see her again in the near future. That the Lord keep me strong in keeping my sobriety. Thank you. 

  • Hi prayer team. I've gone almost a week with no nightmares! And my sis got her new job!!  Thank you, Lord,for hearing our prayers and for all your blessings.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Germany, Clark and Ann Peddicord who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • If you drive due East from Berlin for about 15 hours, you will be in Kiev, Ukraine. That is about the same distance as Chicago is from New York City. This winter will be cold and dark in Europe. I saw a picture online yesterday contrasting the night lighting in Ukraine this year with last year - after the continuous Russian bombings of the energy and water grids of the country, Ukraine now looks much the same at night as North Korea from space! Much of the light is gone! That is also a picture of the spiritual condition of the world!

    • The ”Winter Garden” in Haus Nazareth is also closed off now - it is simply too hard to keep it warm with limited gas supplies through the coming winter. Fortunately, the new basement “Seminar Room” is now set up so that the students in the Haus can study and work there instead. The reality of a cold winter is setting in - even in Berlin!

    • Please pray for peace in Europe - and wisdom for the leaders of the West as they continue to try to confront the reality of the Russian war.

    • We plan to be in the U.S. through the Spring - please pray with us:

    • Please pray that the young leaders in Berlin at “Haus Nazareth” will continue to grow as they take on-site responsibility for the Haus and the community there in our absence during this “Winter of War”.  Things went extremely well in Berlin during our last visit to the U.S.

    • This time, we are starting a prayer and planning group with about 10 of the key leaders and “alumni” from the Haus via “Zoom”. Most of these young men and women are now in their professions and business. We want to pray and plan with them about the future direction of the community and the ministry. We plan to meet online about once a month.

    • Please also pray for our activities on the U.S. side of the water:

      As we reconnect with friends and churches in the U.S. and with the “Biblical Study Center” in Boise and share the vision of the global Mission of the Church.

    • Our daughter challenged me last year to put my Bible studies on the Gospel of John into “podcast” form. “I and all my friends,” she said, “get input through podcasts - we don’t have time to watch videos, so we listen while we’re driving and going about our daily life.”

    • Wow! This is a new challenge. Please pray that we’ll have wisdom how best to do this - and that the funds will come in to record and organize these studies in the best way!
