
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for our son in law who has to go in for an MRI on his prostate. Pray for healing but also for him and also for his peace of mind and wisdom for the doctors.  Thank you prayer warriors!

  • Please pray for a lady who had a disagreement over abortion and has decided to move out and is looking for a place to live now.

  • Praise God! Dad is going home from the hospital today. I'm especially thankful for your prayers and encouragement and for Dad and Mom's positivity about him coming home and all the amazing healing God has done. Please continue to pray for them to be safe, free of accidents/ falls, and any other health concerns. For all to work out for Mom with the nurse and the right doctor. And for God's glory to prevail. Praise Jesus!

  • I am starting a support group for Christians with anxiety in January, and would love prayer for it to get off the ground as I know the Lord put it on my heart! There is such a need for this, but I need help getting the word out. I would appreciate prayers that the Lord's will be done in the group and in the starting/growth of the group.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Semilla de Mostaza Santa Monica Mexico, Raechael and Patricio Garduno who send the following updates and requests:

    • We just had our women’s retreat last weekend where God used testimonies and conferences to bring healing and confrontation through the book of Philemon. (I’ve attached a couple pictures!)

    •  There are lots of plans for the church! We are planning to return to in person Wednesday services. We’ve only had online services since the pandemic, but our pastor is being lead to continue in January.

    • We will be opening another service location in the south of the city, the plan is to begin also in January and Patricio would be the person overseeing our current church full time. Another assistant pastor will oversee our second location also so we will have basically 3 church locations connected directly with its staff. Pray for wisdom in these transitions and that God would continue to prepare each one of us.

