
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for my son and his wife as they travel.

  • Please pray for strength & courage to end an unhealthy and sinful relationship 

  • Pray for complete healing of my neck and back.

  • Hi please pray for my niece she is having her first baby this week. She will probably be induced due to pregnancy high blood pressure. She's out if state so not a lot of her family will be there. Please pray for my sister also she's recovering from surgery. Thank you.

  • My wife is experiencing terrible daily headaches; she is in extreme pain and meds don’t work. Please pray for God’s healing and that He will show us the cause.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Germany, Clark and Ann Peddicord who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • The Transatlantic Bridge - (Re)newed Communication
      I think that Christians in the United States and Germany (as well as other nations) have much to learn from each other. We sense a clear leading of God to continue developing closer partnerships between our friends in Germany and the U.S. = a new “Transatlantic Bridge”. We have a vision of students and young professionals from America coming to Berlin and learning from the Bible and from the example of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and other witnesses and martyrs for Jesus. Young German friends will, in turn, visit churches and Christian outreaches in the United States.
      You are an integral part of building this bridge! Please pray that God will continue to give clear vision and wisdom for the next steps!