
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Prayer for the multiple family dynamics that happened on our Mexico vacation and healing.  Pray that we would die to our fleshly desires to be fully filled with the Holy Spirit and complete healing on my lower back. Thank you!!!
  • I am asking for additional prayers from you.  I had injured my legs in the gym on 12/4 and had an MRI Scan, that shows torn ligaments on my right leg.  I am scheduled for surgery on 12/30.  I have an irregular heartbeat so please pray that will not affect the scheduling of my surgery.  Please pray that the surgery will be a success. My left leg is still stiff and sore. Pray for quick healing and recovery, and less pain.
  •  Please pray for my 3 sons and grandson.  They are all sick with mild flu symptoms. Two of them tested positive for Covid.

  • Please pray to deliver me from the violence and evil of my family/community members, and set me up on high with protection and resources in Jesus name
  • Please pray for our missionary in Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following prayer requests:
    • Mona's salvation
    • Visi - he has not been in communication again.  Please pray he will surrender his life to Christ
    • Gilia desperately needs prayer.  She has no interest in learning or putting effort into her studies and continues to rule the house at home.
    • God's will/intervention regarding the moving of our therapy rooms at the orphanage to a new location in town
    • Our government officials to have wisdom and make good decisions.  That we will receive our credit at the gas and electric companies for the after-school program.