
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My dad has tested positive for COVID. He’s doing better but my worry is my mom who has other health issues that make her high risk. Please pray for her to stay healthy and if she does get it, for it to be mild.

  • My good friends have COVID. Please pray for their prompt recovery and the strength to return to health.

  • I love God and believe in God. I need prayers of protection.

  • My best friend’s dad just started struggling with depression so bad he had to move out because he thought he was causing his wife and daughter more emotional grief by being in the house. He says he doesn’t feel any emotions. My friend and I have been best friends since we were 8, and the dad had been a dad to me ever since, especially since my own parents got divorced and I didn’t have a relationship with my dad after. Some of my happiest memories in life is with this family and my heart breaks for my friend, her brother, mom, and dad. Please pray for healing for the parents and 2 kids and that God can use His healing power to repair and restore.

  • Please pray that God would heal me.

  • My best friend is suffering severely from shingles. She has it in her right eye, her ears and her scalp. The doctor is concerned about it entering her retina and destroying her eyesight. She is in a lot of pain. She is a believer and she is leaning on God for His mercy and Grace. Please pray for her.
