Most do not know the crucial role that Calvary Boise has played in the house church movement in Iran. In 2001, Calvary Boise sent a missionary into Iran. By 2002 the Iranian government’s persecution and shutting down of existing building churches resulted in believers going “underground” and meeting secretly in houses. The church family at Calvary Boise was part of the early house churches that were formed in 2002. By 2005, the house church network that was supported through Calvary Boise became one of the largest house church networks in Iran!
Over the years many of our brothers and sisters in Iran have been arrested and imprisoned for their faith. Some have fled to the nearby country of Turkey to only find themselves unable to work as refugees. In addition to the financial hardship, the persecuted believers in Turkey are facing immense persecution and the danger of deportation as Turkey is becoming more hostile toward Christians. These brothers and sisters in Turkey need our prayer and support until we are able to get them to a country of safety.
H&M are being sent out by Calvary Boise to the Middle East to work with the Underground Church. They are originally from Minnesota but have lived in Idaho since 2013 working with the refugee population in Boise and around the world. They have one married son who lives in Minnesota with his wife and their granddaughter, and two sons who live in Boise. This next year H&M will be making multiple trips to the Middle East to encourage believers and be a connecting point between the Underground Church and the local church here in Idaho. While in Idaho they will teach during the Underground Church video calls, raising awareness for ways to encourage and support them, and continue with their ministry to the nations in Boise.
Please consider supporting and coming alongside our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. Because they aren’t currently able to move to the States, we are pursuing other options, including working with lawyers and our senators, getting them lawyers in Turkey to keep them from being deported, helping them become financially self-sufficient, helping them with rent and medical emergencies, and hopefully bringing them to the U.S. in the future. We are also working to provide teaching and training to the believers in the Middle East as they continue to share the Gospel and form underground house churches in the face of much adversity.
• Pray for safety for our brothers and sisters.
• Help raise stateside awareness and provide financial support.
• Click here to let us know if you would like to donate housing, storage, or household items.
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